September 11, 2017

Bobcat Brief

September 11, 2017

A life with purpose

SMSU basketball coach Brad Bigler spoke with our second through sixth grade students this morning. Although Coach Bigler could have spoken of his teams highly successful 2016-17 season, he could have talked about the rich history of men’s basketball under his leadership or of his own past playing days, but instead he spoke of character. Coach reminded students and staff of the importance of hard work, persistence, willingness to take chances, helping those that struggle and doing the right thing when no one is watching. Brad Bigler gave examples of what those actions might look like for both an 8 year old and an 18-year-old student. In other words, Coach Bigler spoke of living life with a purpose. We thank Coach for both his words and his actions. We thank Coach for his dedication to all students!

Have purposeful Monday!


Coach Bigler


Bobcat Brief

September 10, 2017

Last week/this week

Team Rouge in action against First Grade

Kindergarten v. Staff Homecoming Volleyball Game Friday

  • Team Rouge dropped its first match of the season, losing to the First Grade Ladies 25-9, 25-15 and 25-2. Despite this early season loss, Mrs. Rouge does lead a talented group of returning seniors who hope to start conference play next week with a victory over Danebod Village.
  • On a more serious note, join us this Thursday September 14th as the Elkton/Lake Benton Volleyball team plays ORR in Lake Benton. JV plays at 6:00 followed by varsity.

Play well,



Bobcat Brief

September 8, 2017

Lake Benton Homecoming Events

What a good week to be a Bobcat! Between the dress-up days and staff-student games, our school has celebrated Elkton’s Homecoming Week 2017 in grand style. A special thank you to our P.E. and Health teacher Brian Malady for his work in scheduling, organizing and running our staff/student football and volleyball games. Pictured below: Color Wars, Student v. Staff Football and preparation for today’s volleyball games.

Have a safe and restful weekend!


Color War Fun

August 29

Bobcat Brief

August 29, 2017

Only 117 shopping days until Christmas,

and even fewer days to shop for Bobcat Gear at our online store. Please check out Bobcat Gear available at our online store. We have a wide range of products designed to meet all of your apparel needs. Want to look 27 years younger/older, taller/shorter, or more/less athletic? Done when you wear Bobcat Gear. I personally took off my “holiday” weight by merely slipping on a Holloway Adult Electrify 1/2 Zip Pullover Bobcat top.

The deadline to order is Thursday September 14, 2017.

Access to our store:

Access can also be found by going to the left navigation area of our school website:



August 25

Bobcat Brief

August 25, 2017

Our First Week

Thank you for a strong first week! I suspect that students may need to get caught up on their sleep after this very busy start of the school year. The nervousness of opening day can affect our sleep patterns and may be the cause for a bit of anxiety. This is all in the past now.

Both student engagement and excitement were high this week. The eclipse may have created even more interest in the first day of school then is typical. For those concerned, my health continues to be good. The yellow face paint worn last Monday is surprisingly difficult to remove.

Remember that school is not in session next Friday September 1 nor do we have school on Labor Day, September 4th.

Have a restful weekend,



August 24,2017

Bobcat Brief

August 24, 2017

An appetite for reading

Book Worms

Mrs. Coe’s third grade class is developing a hunger for reading. The desire or craving to read at an early age may result in a lifelong love for literature, or, and this may be less noble and more personal, an inability to eat breakfast without a newspaper present. Literate, informed and interesting, properties that will serve our students well in their future.

 I digress; I was able to sit in this week on a “book tasting” activity organized by Mrs. Coe. Students every 10 minutes rotated to a new station where they had the opportunity to sample or “taste” a different book. This experience gives the students a brief look at a variety of readings and is designed to generate interest in reading. To enhance these experiences students snacked on gummy worms while sampling books. Thank you Mrs. Coe for supporting book worms within our school!


August 22, 2017

Bobcat Brief

August 22, 2017

Attendance Procedures

With our new student management/data system JMC in place, we are modifying the way we keep track of attendance.

When your child will be, or was absent, will you please either email or call Kylie in our office. She will then disseminate the attendance information to classroom teacher.

Thank you,




Bobcat Brief August 21, 2017

Bobcat Brief

August 21, 2017

Food Allergy Guidelines

Note that the following information are guidelines, for our school, like most other schools, cannot guarantee the absence of peanuts or peanut residue. Our district will not be serving products containing peanuts. Should you want to read the new guideline I ask that you see page 14 of our school handbook. I have also attached the page to this email.

We understand that parents may still choose to send products containing peanuts or peanut residue for their own child’s consumption. We respect a parent’s right to pack their child’s lunch in a way they best see fit. We respect our parents.


Today’s Eclipse

As of 10:05 this morning, it looks like cloud cover will, in Lake Benton, prevail. For some parents this is a relief and for others a bit of frustration. Know that we as a precautionary measure are keeping our students in today for recess and for P.E.. I have never had any real control over the weather, but am sometimes reminded of the quote, “everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it”.



Bobcat Brief

June 2, 2017

Maintenance Music Top 40

Rising to number seven this week in the Maintenance Music Top 40 is the song “Chandelier” by singer-song writer Sia. Although Mr. Bennett may not as the chorus of the song says, “swing from the chandelier”, he does know his way around a floor scrubber.

Spoiler alert: The preschool classroom is finished and the crew is making good progress on the 4th-6th grade classrooms.

Enjoy the sunshine,


Maintenance Update


Bobcat Brief

June 1, 2017

Scoreboard Update

Lake Benton Public School will be installing new scoreboards this summer! First Security Banks and the L.A. Amundson Scholarship Program are funding this purchase. This is an incredibly generous donation to our school and to our community. As many know, our scoreboards are aging, and lack shot clocks. This purchase will allow us to continue to host boys and girls elementary tournaments in basketball and volleyball. We will also be able to host Elkton-Lake Benton High School volleyball and basketball games for many years to come.

Athletics support academics and academics athletics. Coaches teach and teachers coach. We have a beautiful school that continues to be supported by both our taxpayers and our businesses. Thank you First Security Bank and thank you President Brooks Bennett for your leadership in improving our facility!

Remember parents to check out the L.A. Amundson Scholarship. For more information, contact your local First Security Bank.

New Board


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