August 24,2017
WRITTEN BY Dale Weegman ON August 25, 2017

Bobcat Brief

August 24, 2017

An appetite for reading

Book Worms

Mrs. Coe’s third grade class is developing a hunger for reading. The desire or craving to read at an early age may result in a lifelong love for literature, or, and this may be less noble and more personal, an inability to eat breakfast without a newspaper present. Literate, informed and interesting, properties that will serve our students well in their future.

 I digress; I was able to sit in this week on a “book tasting” activity organized by Mrs. Coe. Students every 10 minutes rotated to a new station where they had the opportunity to sample or “taste” a different book. This experience gives the students a brief look at a variety of readings and is designed to generate interest in reading. To enhance these experiences students snacked on gummy worms while sampling books. Thank you Mrs. Coe for supporting book worms within our school!


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