

Bobcat Brief

January 12, 2018

Vikings Invade Lake Benton School

We are in the middle of a full invasion as Minnesota Vikings fans move through the building and wish the team well (a win), in this Sunday’s game against the New Orleans Saints. The morning started with 5th grade student Rylen Coe playing his trumpet to the tune of the Vikings horn. During lunch our food service director Teresa Bunkers and our assistant Kara Christensen rallied the troops by leading us in a Vikings Skol Chant. As an aside, students were served purple applesauce for lunch. Cooks were unable to find green or gold, huh.

Kindergarten students led by teacher Leif Drietz prepared for the invasion by building a 1/4 scale model of a Norseman Viking Longboat.



Bobcat Brief

January 11, 2018

Bobcat Store is Back!

With only 347 days left until Christmas, I know that some shoppers are starting to get nervous. Relax; Lake Benton Public School has your entire Bobcat apparel needs covered. The rumors are true, we have reopened the store and with Valentine’s Day just a heartbeat away, know that  your special someone will love/like/acknowledge you even more after receiving Bobcat gear. The link is on our website. I have included a screenshot of the stores location on our site (http://www.lakebentonschool.org/).



Bobcat Brief

January 10, 2018, (afternoon edition)

Welcome to our new student!

It took little time for our 3-6 grade students to warm up to their new classmate Alonzo B. Grue. With an enrollment of 168 students, we typically do not spotlight new enrollees, however for some students; we make an exception, for his days are numbered. Soon the sun will be high again in the sky and not as distant as it presently is. Soon student Grue will move on. So without further ado, Grue:

Date of Birth: December 28, 2017

Place of Birth: Unknown

Favorite saying: There is no business like snow business.

Favorite food: Carrots

Least favorite substance: Ice-Melt in the 30# bag

Favorite teacher: Frosty

Favorite class: Recess

Favorite school: Lake Benton Public School

Favorite TV show: Frosty the Snowman




Bobcat Brief

January 10, 2018

Assembly Update and Magic

This morning we hosted the third and final Dakota Assembly performer for the 2017-18 school year. Randy Kalin’s variety show used magic and puppetry to promote kindness, trust and friendship. Randy’s anti-bulling message was embedded in much of his performance. Laughter was embedded in ALL of the performance. I thank the district for funding this message wrapped up in a fun and engaging show.

I also witnessed a different kind of magic while watching the students. The magic happens when students come together in a supportive environment such as Lake Benton Public School and demonstrate character traits that should make our parents proud. Thank you parents for your work in teaching/modeling what it looks like to be a good person and friend. Thank you staff for taking those lessons taught at home and reinforcing them in school. That is magic!




Bobcat Brief

January 3, 2018

Playground Fundraiser Thank You

A huge thank you goes out to Raph Johnson for his playground equipment fundraising endeavor. Raph came forward with the idea of adding to our ongoing efforts to raise money for new playground equipment. He then built a collection device that was fitted on top of a 10-gallon aquarium so that Lake Benton attendees and visitors could contribute. Halfway through the school year Raph has raised $99.50. Raph’s leadership is commendable and appreciated. We are thankful to have student involvement and fortunate to have students of Raph’s character in attendance at Lake Benton Public School. Well done Raph!



Bobcat Brief

January 2, 2018

3-6 Grade Lunch Crew wishes you a Happy New Year

New Year


  • January 4th: 1:00 early out for Standards Based Reporting staff development
  • January 5th: Grades are mailed home
  • January 17th: 12:30 early out for Standards Based Reporting staff development
  • January-December:  Happy and Healthy Year!



Bobcat Brief

December 18, 2017

Sing, Sing, Sing

Each morning at 8:00, we start our day with students reading the morning announcements. They include school happenings, the weather for recess and the Pledge of Allegiance. Last week our students sang verses to familiar holiday songs as a lead in to and a conclusion of the morning announcements. Fifth grade teacher Michael Koranda was kind enough to do auditions and organize the music. I have attached a clip of music to this email. Thank you to all students and of course Mr. Koranda!

Have music filled Monday!




Bobcat Brief

December 14, 2017

Yoga in P.E.

Out of the 26 letters in our alphabet soup, the 25th letter is near and dear to my yeart. There are few words that begin with the letter Y that I do not like. On the short list of Y words that I like/love/admire are yoga, yogurt, yams, yaks, yokes (jokes) and yolks, Yardbirds (Clapton band from the 60’s) and yodeling. For the sake of brevity, and because 57% of those reading this brief are just one more poorly worded sentence away from stopping the reading of this brief, I will focus on the P.E. word of the week, yoga.

Physical Education teacher Mr. Brian Malady has added the practice of yoga to our P.E. curriculum. I sat in recently and noticed the following:

  • Students catch on fast!
  • Engagement was high for both our youngest and oldest of students.
  • They were extremely focused as they changed positions and postures.
  • Yoga is a changeup to activities that typically focus on balls, i.e. basketball, soccer, bocceball, floor hockey and volleyball,
  • Yoga’s focus on balance, strength and flexibility will serve students well who participate in some of the previously named sports/activities.
  • The on-video yoga instructor used a Harry Potter book to tell a story that implemented yoga moves.
  • Because a large screen video was used to direct the activities, Mr. Malady was free to move through the gym and coach students.



Bobcat Brief

December 13, 2017

A very special evening and a reminder


Beautiful voices, colorful clothing, perfect behavior and smiles that pierce the heart. We listen, we watch and we feel connected to the community of Lake Benton Public School. Mrs. Borresen brought out the very best of the holiday season through the voices of children. Thank you students and thank you Mrs. Borresen!



Students have a 12:30 early release tomorrow December 14th. This early out will allow our teachers to continue to get ready for the rollout of Standards Based Reporting in English Language Arts (ELA), in the fall of 2018.






Bobcat Brief

December 11, 2017

A Busy Week at Lake Benton Public School


Our winter concert is tomorrow December 12th at 7:00PM. This is a very special way of breaking into the holiday spirit and we look forward to seeing you Tuesday night. Treats will be served after the concert.



Students have a 12:30 early release this Thursday December 14th. This early out will allow our teachers to continue to get ready for the roll out of Standards Based Reporting in English Language Arts (ELA), in the fall of 2018.


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