Bobcat Brief August 21, 2017
WRITTEN BY Dale Weegman ON August 21, 2017

Bobcat Brief

August 21, 2017

Food Allergy Guidelines

Note that the following information are guidelines, for our school, like most other schools, cannot guarantee the absence of peanuts or peanut residue. Our district will not be serving products containing peanuts. Should you want to read the new guideline I ask that you see page 14 of our school handbook. I have also attached the page to this email.

We understand that parents may still choose to send products containing peanuts or peanut residue for their own child’s consumption. We respect a parent’s right to pack their child’s lunch in a way they best see fit. We respect our parents.


Today’s Eclipse

As of 10:05 this morning, it looks like cloud cover will, in Lake Benton, prevail. For some parents this is a relief and for others a bit of frustration. Know that we as a precautionary measure are keeping our students in today for recess and for P.E.. I have never had any real control over the weather, but am sometimes reminded of the quote, “everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it”.


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