
Bobcat Brief

March 6, 2018

Snow day makeup


Our school board at last September’s meeting set the makeup schedule for snow days. Note: we makeup only days where we are out of school for the full day.

The makeup schedule, if needed, is as follows.

First make-up date: 4-2-2018

Second make-up date: 5-16-2018


We will make-up today’s snow day on Monday April 2nd.



Bobcat Brief

March 2, 2018

I love to read!

We read for work, we read for fun, we read to better understand our world. Our teachers dedicate a significant part of our school day to not only teach reading but to encourage students to read for entertainment. March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’s birthday; it is also Read Across America Day. To celebrate some folks dressed up. To celebrate the day, Lake Benton community leaders will this afternoon  read to our students.

be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!

“Oh the places you’ll go”


Love to read



Bobcat Brief

February 27, 2018

A Request

I have included in today’s Brief a request (see below), from our LBVE. The Lake Benton Volunteers for Education (LBVE) adds value, both overtly and discreetly, to our school. They work hard throughout the school year to make Lake Benton the school that it is. They are a creative crew who are able to take a fun idea and put it into action. They are the brains and the drive behind the fun fundraisers here at Lake Benton Public School. Added to all of this, the LBVE are goodwill ambassadors for our school.

Thank you LBVE!!


“When you hear school fundraising, what comes to your mind? Gift wrap, pizza sales, butter-braids, door to door knocking—and then the dreaded delivery date? How about an evening out, prime rib dinner, dueling pianos and laughter? We thought that would get your attention. This year the Lake Benton Volunteers for Education are partnering with the Lake Benton Area Foundation for the 11th Annual Fundraising Gala for such a fundraising event! Our goal in partnering with the foundation is simple: we are looking to build a better playground for the children of Lake Benton Elementary and our community. The playground will be a place where children can gather and play, families can come together and relationships can be built.

We have several options for you to help us reach our goal. First, mark your calendar and attend the gala on March 24. Second, please consider making a monetary donation towards the event or donating items or services to be used in the silent or live auctions. You may send a check to the school, indicating playground improvements on the memo line. Donation items may be dropped off at First Security Bank in Lake Benton. For questions or tickets, please call the bank at 507-368-4261.”

Working Together for our Children –

Lake Benton Volunteers for Education



Bobcat Brief

February 23, 2018

The Olympics in Lake Benton

We never know where our next Olympic athlete will come from. Currently the State of Minnesota is well represented in hockey, curling and skiing. Will Lake Benton be part of a future Olympians biography, we shall see. For this day, we are fortunate to have students who give it their all and never give up. We have students who are willing to take a chance, make mistakes and push themselves to perform academically at a high level every day. Welcome to Lake Benton. Welcome to the pursuit of excellence.




Bobcat Brief

February 20, 2018

LBVE Family Reading Bingo Night

The Lake Benton Volunteers for Education (LBVE) are hosting a fun family night designed to promote reading. The event takes place in the cafeteria this Thursday February 22nd from 6:30-7:30. All PK-6th grade students along with their family are invited.

Thank you to our LBVE for not only promoting literacy but also for your continued support of Lake Benton Public School!




Bobcat Brief

February 16, 2018

Scary Presidents Day Dream

I had a most realistic dream last night. I was eating breakfast (oatmeal), wearing my favorite pjs (Star Wars) and listening to my favorite all-polka radio station broadcast from New Ulm. The Lake Benton Polka was playing, I was eating and all 45 presidents were dancing/polkaing around my kitchen table. Our 33rd president, Harry S. Truman, would occasionally dip into my Maple Brown Sugar Quaker oatmeal and grab a spoonful. I yelled at President Truman and before I knew what hit me his security detail had me handcuffed in a prone position. I then woke up. What is your Presidents Day nightmare?

There is no school this Monday February 19th . It is Presidents Day.






Valentine card holders/bags/boxes have become a work of art, representative of an area of personal interest. They have kept parents up late at night so that the container was just perfect. Pictured above is my 3rd grade Valentine’s Day Container from 1941. My teacher told my mom that Minimalism best described my approach to art. The symmetrical creases represent a pushback to abstract expressionism, at least that is what mom said.

Valentine Box

Fast forward to 2018 and Caedmon Bressler’s post-modern depiction of Lake Benton Public School. The detail is spectacular and creativity quite fun.  Well done Caedmon!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all and to all a goodnight,



Bobcat Brief

January 30, 2018


  • February 1:
    •  1:00 early out for students (teachers will be working on Standards Based Reporting)
    • Midway point of the third quarter of school
  • February 2:
    • Hawaiian Dress Up Day for students and staff
    •  Woodchuck Day and SMSU Chemistry Club presentations and activities
  • February 8: Parent Teacher Conferences from 4:00-7:00
  • February 13: Regular School Board Meeting at 6:00PM
  • February 19: No school, Presidents Day
  • February 28: 4-6 grade students go ice skating in Brookings
  • March 1:1:00 early out for students (teachers will be working on Standards Based Reporting)
  • March 7: End of third quarter
  • March 14: K-3 grade students go bowling in Brookings
  • March 21: Regular School Board Meeting at 6:00PM


Bobcat Brief

January 25, 2018

Bobcat Store is Back!

Have you found your spouse or child the perfect Groundhogs Day gift? The big day is just over one week away and it is go-time for Woodchuck shoppers. Do not disappoint that loved one by buying the same old Groundhogs day gift. Really, how many woodchuck shaped chocolate candies can/should they eat? How many pearl necklaces can they wear?  How many new SUVs can they drive at the same time? How many candles in the shape of farm animals will they really collect?

Be that out-of-the-box kind of gift giver and give the gift of school spirit. Our store closes at 11:59PM February 4th. Select the following link. https://lakebenton18.itemorder.com/sale

The link to the store is also on the left side of our homepage (http://www.lakebentonschool.org/).

Be a hero; give Bobcat,




Bobcat Brief

January 23, 2018

The Wall

Nope, The Wall is not a reference to Pink Floyd’s Album, nor does it refer to “border security”. It has nothing to do with China’s Great Wall, or the thing that marathon runners sometimes hit at the 22nd mile. The wall captured in the picture below, is pure, snow sculpted and an example of what happens when children meet Mother Nature. I thank the provider of this precipitation and look forward to the coming spring.



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