Bobcat Brief
April 26, 2017
Administrative Professionals Day
You may have noticed how the pressures and the responsibilities of the job age presidents. It is no different for school administrative professionals. For evidence I submit a photo of Mrs. Kylie Rochelle on August 23rd (the first day of school), and yesterday (the 157th day of school).
Although I apologize to Mrs. Rochelle for her premature aging, I thank her for her service to our school district. She is able to complete numerous tasks efficiently, kindly, patiently, professionally, all with grace. Our district is fortunate to have Kylie, and we thank her today and every day!
Bobcat Brief
April 27, 2017
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) Update
We are just wrapping up Math MCA testing. Last week we completed the Reading MCA. Next week it is Juice Cup Stacking and of course science. Although the science MCA is given to fifth grade students, all third through sixth grade students must become proficient at stacking juice cups. There are principals in Minnesota who question the importance of testing student’s ability to stack cups, but I am a good soldier and do what MDE requests. I have included a photo of students who today used their lunch period to practice for the exam.
May 2, 2017
You are invited!
Please join us tonight at 7:00 for our Spring Concert. A rehearsal is happening at this time, and the students most definitely look and sound like a group that is ready to share their musical talents with you. Enjoy the melting snow and we will see you tonight.