WRITTEN BY Dale Weegman ON December 14, 2017

Bobcat Brief

December 14, 2017

Yoga in P.E.

Out of the 26 letters in our alphabet soup, the 25th letter is near and dear to my yeart. There are few words that begin with the letter Y that I do not like. On the short list of Y words that I like/love/admire are yoga, yogurt, yams, yaks, yokes (jokes) and yolks, Yardbirds (Clapton band from the 60’s) and yodeling. For the sake of brevity, and because 57% of those reading this brief are just one more poorly worded sentence away from stopping the reading of this brief, I will focus on the P.E. word of the week, yoga.

Physical Education teacher Mr. Brian Malady has added the practice of yoga to our P.E. curriculum. I sat in recently and noticed the following:

  • Students catch on fast!
  • Engagement was high for both our youngest and oldest of students.
  • They were extremely focused as they changed positions and postures.
  • Yoga is a changeup to activities that typically focus on balls, i.e. basketball, soccer, bocceball, floor hockey and volleyball,
  • Yoga’s focus on balance, strength and flexibility will serve students well who participate in some of the previously named sports/activities.
  • The on-video yoga instructor used a Harry Potter book to tell a story that implemented yoga moves.
  • Because a large screen video was used to direct the activities, Mr. Malady was free to move through the gym and coach students.


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