WRITTEN BY Dale Weegman ON February 27, 2018


Bobcat Brief

February 27, 2018

A Request

I have included in today’s Brief a request (see below), from our LBVE. The Lake Benton Volunteers for Education (LBVE) adds value, both overtly and discreetly, to our school. They work hard throughout the school year to make Lake Benton the school that it is. They are a creative crew who are able to take a fun idea and put it into action. They are the brains and the drive behind the fun fundraisers here at Lake Benton Public School. Added to all of this, the LBVE are goodwill ambassadors for our school.

Thank you LBVE!!


“When you hear school fundraising, what comes to your mind? Gift wrap, pizza sales, butter-braids, door to door knocking—and then the dreaded delivery date? How about an evening out, prime rib dinner, dueling pianos and laughter? We thought that would get your attention. This year the Lake Benton Volunteers for Education are partnering with the Lake Benton Area Foundation for the 11th Annual Fundraising Gala for such a fundraising event! Our goal in partnering with the foundation is simple: we are looking to build a better playground for the children of Lake Benton Elementary and our community. The playground will be a place where children can gather and play, families can come together and relationships can be built.

We have several options for you to help us reach our goal. First, mark your calendar and attend the gala on March 24. Second, please consider making a monetary donation towards the event or donating items or services to be used in the silent or live auctions. You may send a check to the school, indicating playground improvements on the memo line. Donation items may be dropped off at First Security Bank in Lake Benton. For questions or tickets, please call the bank at 507-368-4261.”

Working Together for our Children –

Lake Benton Volunteers for Education

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