Bobcat Brief
October 30, 2017
Although my own children are long since grown up, I am reminded of pre-Halloween advice I received from son Ludwig’s third grade teacher back in 1998. In no particular order:
- If you plan on eating volumes of candy Halloween night it is best to condition ones tummy by eating at least 3 candy bars for the three days leading up to October 31st. We call it the 3x3, (like the 4x800 but less work).
- You may experience a feeling of fullness after the first 7 peanut butter cups, do not panic, this feeling is temporary and you will most likely be able to power through this discomfort and down that 12th cup with only mild discomfort.
- Smarties (14 per pack) count as just one treat.
- Beware of the dentist handing out high fructose treats taped to a business card.
- Candy is its own food group.
- Sharing candy with mom and dad is never a substitute for Mothers/Father’s Day presents; the dates are not even in the same month! Come on!
Not related reminder:
- 1:00 early out this Thursday November 2nd for staff development.
- No more shorts worn to school starting November 1 through Spring/Easter Break.