WRITTEN BY Dale Weegman ON October 13, 2017

Bobcat Brief

October 13, 2017

A week in review

As a 1970 graduate from the eighth grade at St. Michaels School in the Twin Cities I can truly say that education, or more specifically National Education Week, (Fire Prevention, School Lunch Week), have vastly improved in how they are scheduled and then communicated to the public.

For example, for the second week of October in 1968, we as a nation celebrated Great American Smoke In, Great American Smoke Out, Beef, It’s What’s For Dinner, Go Vegan or Go Home, Fire Prevention Week, Campfire Week, National School Lunch Week, Leftovers Are Best overs Lunch Week, Nuclear Weapons Week: Duck and Cover and of course Food Safety Through Radiation Week. It was for many, a bit confusing.

Fast forward to today. One week, two great causes, and they are National School Lunch Week and Fire Prevention Week. We are genuinely thankful for the service that our firefighters provide us with. We are also so fortunate to have nutritious, appetizing and delicious food served each day in our cafeteria.

Thanks for a great week!





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