WRITTEN BY Dale Weegman ON October 10, 2017

Bobcat Brief

October 10, 2017

National School Lunch Week

Thank you to our school’s food service director Teresa Bunkers as well as our kitchen assistant and cook Kara Christensen for your role in meeting one of the most basic needs of our students. High quality nutritious meals are served twice a day at Lake Benton Elementary. Without breakfast and lunch little learning occurs. Elementary age children experience rapid physical and mental growth and it is the job of our food service to provide the fuel for that development. Teresa and Kara follow USDA requirements all while creating appetizing and appealing entrees. Each day they serve approximately 50 breakfast meals and 135 lunches, and they do this all with a smile on their face. Nationwide more than 30 million students enjoy healthy lunches every school day. 95% of schools participate in the National School Lunch Program.

Oh, and one more thing, when we ask students what they like best about school, lunch is a common answer. As an educator, I might ask students to rethink the value of the lessons that are taught each day in math or social studies, but as a human who really enjoys eating quality meals, I understand where students are coming from.

Have a Handcrafted, Triple-Basted, Slow-Cooked, Golden-Brown, Juicy, Hand-Selected, Fresh from the Oven, Fork Tender, Delicate kind of day!



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