September 29
WRITTEN BY Dale Weegman ON September 29, 2017

Bobcat Brief

September 29, 2017

Thank you!

Thank you for attending Parent Teacher Conferences last night. We had a strong turnout with many good conversations between teachers and parents. The goal of grading and conferencing is communication. Student achievement goes up when all three parties, (students, parents, and teachers), are not only on the same page, but also on the same sentence. Conferences serve either to initiate a conversation between school and home or to strengthen the lines of already established communication.

We also have a new student management system this year, (JMC), which like previous years has a parent portal. For those who have been unsuccessful in logging in, please use the child’s primary parent’s last name as a username not necessarily the child’s last name. The password is available from your child’s teacher. Parent Portal is found on the left menu of our school’s home page. I have included a screenshot of that page.

Have a communication-rich weekend,



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